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We are Strategy Facilitators that align Native American Tribal Nations + Tribal Organizations by engaging their Tribal Community.


For Tribes + Tribal Organizations that want to better serve their Tribal Communities by investing into strategic planning.

Strategic Planning for Tribal Nations + Tribal Organizations

Our Blog features articles that share TIPS + HACKS for Tribal Success.

Firebreak Blog

By upholding the social roles and responsibilities inherent in our Native American Ways, Tribes + Tribal Organizations are transforming our Tribal Communities through empowered and tangible action.

NDN Savvy Solutions to Fix First World Problems

Tribal Nations + Tribal Organizations face unique challenges.

We relieve the unique challenges Tribal Nations + Tribal Organizations face...
So they can focus on the Tribal Communities that they love.


We are Strategy Facilitators that align Tribes + Tribal Organizations with mission driven employees who deliver successful programs and services that are embraced by their Tribal Community + Tribal Council, or Board of Directors.

WALKS IN THE DAWN Neshnab Strategy Consultants

Community Satisfaction

We understand that each Tribal Community is unique, with its own set of challenges and opportunities.


We take a collaborative approach to help Tribes + Tribal Organizations deliver programs and services that meet community needs and exceed community expectations.

Stakeholder Engagement

We help Tribes + Tribal Organizations build relationships with their Tribal Councils, Boards of Directors, Tribal Communities, and local community partners.


We help develop and implement strategies that enable effective communication that aligns with the interests of all key stakeholders. 

Strategy + Alignment

Our strategic planning services are designed to help Tribes + Tribal Organizations achieve their goals and stay on track.


We help define your vision, mission, and values by creating a comprehensive strategy that aligns with the identity of your Tribal Community. 



Maintaining our cultural ways is crucial for any Tribal Community to thrive.


We work with you to hone policies and procedures that reflect your Tribal Community's culture and identity. 


We work to understand the unique needs and concerns of your Tribe or Tribal Organization to create a custom plan that reflects your Tribal Community's values and beliefs.

Access + Participation

We understand the importance of delivering programs and services that are accessible and inclusive for all members of your Tribal Community.


We work with Tribes and Tribal Organizations to develop initiatives that engage the community and increase participation rates.


Our goal is to help your Tribe or Tribal Organization create lasting changes and make positive impacts in your Tribal Community.

Employee Engagment

We believe that employee engagement is critical for achieving success for your Tribe or Tribal Organization.


Our engagement strategy is tailored to your Tribal Community's unique needs and culture.


By reflecting your Tribal Community's identity, we empower mission-driven employees who share your values, fuelling the growth and impact of your Tribe or Tribal Organization.

Unique Challenges Facing Tribal Nations + Tribal Organizations


Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is crucial for Native American Tribes + Tribal Organizations looking to ensure sustainable development, cultural maintenance, resource management, and informed decision-making.

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy allows Native American Tribes + Tribal Organizations to authentically define our Native American identity, increase community engagement, and navigate socio-economic pursuits with cultural integrity.

How We Do It

We help Native American Tribes + Tribal Organizations by using Brand Strategy techniques to design Strategic Plans that engage employees by reflecting the Tribal Community’s Native American identity.

Word On The Trail Is...

I didn't know what to expect. I've never been apart of this strategic planning stuff before. This was fun.

Pokagon Band of Potawatomi

Traditions + Repatriations

Committee Member

The process itself forces everyone to talk about things, and then you guys were able to further distill things into clear goals and objectives.

Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Ziibimijiwang Farm

Board Member

... [T]his is amazing. I finally had a chance to review the entire [Strategic Plan]. Thank you so much!

Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe

Behavioral Health







of Heart

We are youthful, optimistic, + determined.

We go about our way witty, + with abundant confidence.

We have the audacity to create new tradition, because we know that doing so is traditional.

We are the Ancestors of tomorrow.

We Do It With:

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